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DropPay API - Bank v.1 - Registry

REST Entities

Every REST entity is described listing her properties with the following formatting conventions:

  • this is a property name
  • this is an example of property value
  • (type, policy, direction) is the specification of a property
    • type can be "string", "number", "object" or a proper object class name
    • policy can be "optional" or "required"
    • direction can be "posted" or "received" depending on whether you set it in the request or you got it from the response
  • after the dash "-" there's the property description

name: example_value (type, policy, direction) - Property description


  • id: BAC1923982WQ (string, returned) - Account DropPay Public ID
  • account_kind: (enum[BANK], returned) - User's gender
  • bank_account: (BankAccount, returned) - Bank Account data
  • iban: IT00A1000010000393471122333 (string, returned) - IBAN of the DropPay account
  • name: Edward Teach (string, returned) - Account name
  • class: PERSONAL (enum[PERSONAL, BUSINESS], returned) - Account Class
  • status: ACTIVE (enum[ACTIVE, BLOCKED], returned) - Account status
  • date_opened: 2018-03-31 (string returned) - Date the DropPay account has been opened
  • balance_current: (number, returned) - current account balance
  • balance_available: (number, returned) - current available account balance
  • holders::
    • owner: (Person, returned) - Account owner data
    • legal_representative: (NaturalPerson, returned) - Account legal representative data, if account is of class BUSINESS
    • delegates: (array[NaturalPerson], returned) - Account delegates data
  • user_holding_role: OWNER (enum[OWNER,LEGALREPRESENTATIVE,DELEGATE], returned) - User account holding role



A Person can be Natural

  • type: NATURAL (enum[NATURAL,LEGAL], returned)
  • natural_person (NaturalPerson)
  • id: NAP123456BNP (string, returned) - User DropPay ID
  • mobile_phone: 393471122333 (string, returned) - E164 User mobile phone number(it corresponds to username, with country code as prefix)
  • email: (string, returned) - User's email address
  • first_name: Max (string, returned) - User's first name
  • last_name: Power (string, returned) - User's last name
  • gender: M (enum[M,F], returned) - User's gender
  • birth_info: (object, returned) - User's birth info
    • date: 1980-02-03 (string, returned) - Birth date
    • city: Pontedera (string, returned) - City of Birth
    • province: PI (string, returned) - Province
    • country: IT (string, returned) - Country code (2 chars)
  • residence_info: (object, returned) - User's residence info
    • city: Pontedera (string, returned) - City
    • province: MI (string, returned ) - Province
    • address: Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 75 (string, returned) - Place of residence address
    • country: IT (string, returned) - Country code (2 chars)
    • zip: 56020 (string, returned) - Zip code
  • tax_code: CRLFRN77C02A786C (string, returned) - Tax Code

Or a Person can be Legal

  • type: LEGAL (enum[NATURAL,LEGAL], returned)
  • legal_person (LegalPerson)
  • id: LEP123456VBDC (string, returned) - Company DropPay ID
  • name: Power (string, returned) - Company Name
  • residence_info (object, returned) - Company's residence info
    • country: IT(string, returned) - Country code (2 chars)
    • city: Pontedera (stringv, returned) - Città
    • address: Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 75 (string, returned) - Place of residence address
    • zip: 56020 (string, returned) - Zip code
  • tax_code: CRLFRN77C02A786C (string, returned) - Tax Code
  • vat_code: 12345678901 (string, returned) - VAT code

REST Endpoints

DropPay Bank Registry API publishes one HTTP method :

  • GET the entity to read infos about it ;

GET Read Person informations


⬆ Request
curl --request POST
--header 'authorization: Bearer ac9185e9f2984867b11069fd2881ff1a'
⬇ Response 200
    "natural_person": {
        "id": "NAP8VBDC5472",
        "mobile_phone": "393351234567",
        "first_name": "Edward",
        "last_name": "Teach",
        "gender": "M",
        "birth_info": {
            "province": "MI",
            "city": "MILANO",
            "date": "1970-01-01",
            "country": "IT"
        "residence_info": {
            "province": "MI",
            "city": "MILANO",
            "address": " Buenos Aires,77",
            "country": "IT",
            "zip": "20124"
        "tax_code": "TCHDRD70A01F205K",


GET Read Account informations


⬆ Request
curl --request POST
--header 'authorization: Bearer ac9185e9f2984867b11069fd2881ff1a'
⬇ Response 200
    "account_kind": "BANK",
    "class": "PERSONAL"
    "bank_account": {
        "iban": "IT67F3606401600393351234567",
        "logo": "",
        "email": "",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "date_opened": "2017-03-10T07:10:28+01:00",
        "balance_current": 512.95,
        "balance_available": 512.95,
        "holders": {
            "owner": {
                "type": "NATURAL",
                "natural_person": {
                    "id": "NAP8VBDC5472",
                    "mobile_phone": "393351234567",
                    "first_name": "Edward",
                    "last_name": "Teach",
                    "gender": "M",
                    "birth_info": {
                        "province": "MI",
                        "city": "MILANO",
                        "date": "1970-01-01",
                        "country": "IT"
                    "residence_info": {
                        "province": "MI",
                        "city": "MILANO",
                        "address": " Buenos Aires,77",
                        "country": "IT",
                        "zip": "20124"
                    "tax_code": "TCHDRD70A01F205K",
        "user_holding_role": "OWNER",