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DropPay API - Cookbooks

Committing Payments Orders with non-DropPay payment gateway




    participant Client
    participant PDEV as POS Device
    participant PPA as DropPay PagoPa
    participant XPOS as DropPay Virtual POS

    Client ->> PPA: Create a PagoPA Order (POST)
    PPA -->> Client: PagoPA Order

    Client ->> PDEV: Perform a POS Authorization
    PDEV -->> Client: Confirm POS Authorization

    Client ->> XPOS: Create a DropPay XPOS Authorization (POST)
    XPOS -->> Client: DropPay XPOS Authorization

    Client ->> PPA: Update PagoPA Order (PATCH)
    PPA -->> Client: PagoPA Order

    Client ->> PPA: Execute PagoPA Order Disposition (POST)
    PPA -->> Client: PagoPA Order execution