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DropPay API- Shop v.1 - Virtual POS Device


The Acquirer Virtual POS Device is useful when your application is using API of DropPay Payments module where source account that must be an user connected DropPay account should me ovverided with funds coming from an external exchangeable payment card transaction.

Let's clarify that with a visual scenario using a PagoPA order form:

    participant Client
    participant CPDEV as POS Device
    participant PPA as DropPay PagoPa
    participant DPVPOS as DropPay POS

    Client ->> PPA: 1: Create a PagoPA Order (POST)
    PPA -->> Client: PagoPA Order

    Client ->> CPDEV: 2: Perform Scheme Authorization
    CPDEV -->> Client: Authorization comfirmation

    Client ->> DPVPOS: 3: Create a DropPay Virtual POS Acquirer Authorization
    DPVPOS -->> Client: DropPay POS Authorization already granted

    Client ->> PPA: 4: Update PagoPA Order (PATCH)
    PPA -->> Client: PagoPA Order

    Client ->> PPA: 5: Execute PagoPA Order Disposition (POST)
    PPA -->> Client: PagoPA Order execution

Your application will get through the following steps (in the picture above):

  1. Call DropPay Payments API and create a PagoPA form resource where the source account must be that one already connected to your app (See Connection for details). Don't exceute the payment yet (5).
  2. Engage the costumer POS device to ask for a transaction of amount corresponding to PagoPA Form amount to pay and get the confirmation.
  3. Call DropPay POS API of a DropPay POS attached to an Acquirer Virtual POS Device and create an Authorization.
  4. Call a PATCH on the PagoPA form REST resource replacing the source_account with the DropPay POS Authorization ID.
  5. Execute the payment procedure on the PagoPA Form.

Creating the DropPay POS Authorization your application and replacing the payment source account with it, informs DropPay that the forthcoming money, credit by user card scheme, must be linked to a specific payment operation (i.e PagoPA).

If your app execute the PagoPA without replacing the source_account DropPay will attempt to debit the connected account.

Configuration, Activation and Managing

Acquirer Virtual POS Device is configured by DropPay staff and assigned with terminal idenfier and settlment profile with commercial conditions of the schema activation and fees.

DropPay staff creates the DropPay POS in your Store and enables it for use with costumer POS device.

You can ask DropPay staff configuration parameters until they will be available through forthcoming Managing API.