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DropPay PSD2 - TPP API - Account Info

A TPP can access user's account informations in terms of:

  • current balance and available balance
  • transactions run within the last 90 days

both the queries are performed through a dedicated API described below.

REST Entities

Every REST entity is described listing her properties with the following formatting conventions:

  • this is a property name
  • this is a property value
  • (type, returned) is the type of a returned property
  • (type, posted) is the type of a requested property
  • after the dash "-" there's the attribute description

name: example_value (type, direction) - Property description


  • balance_current: 120.00 (number, returned) - Account balance
  • balance_available: 120.00 (number, returned) - Account available balance



Transaction (object)

  • id: RECN86KEVVP6X (string. returned) - Unique Id of transaction
  • date_available: 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00 (string) - available balance recording date in the format ISO 8601
  • date_accounted: 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00 (string) - current balance accounting date in the format ISO 8601
  • amount: 100.00 (number, returned) - Transaction amount
  • sign: DB|CR (string, returned) - sign of amount DB (debit), CR (credit)
  • reason: PUSHSCT (enumerated, returned) - Label of the transaction reason
    • enumerated members
      • SCTIN - SCT income
      • SCTREFUND - refund of an income SCT
      • PUSHSCT - SCT
      • PUSHDP - DropPay payment
      • PUSHDPREFUND - refund of DropPay payment
      • PULLDP - payment of money request / income of money request
      • CHARGE - POS purchase / sale
      • REFUND - refund of a POS purchase / sale
      • PURCHASE - purchase / sale DropPay value added services
      • SERVICEFEE - service fees
      • CASHDEPOSIT - cash deposit
      • SLIP - slip payment
      • SUMMARY - operations' aggregation
      • TRUSTREFUND - refund of advances for operations
      • TRUSTAVANCE - advances for operations
      • GRANT - income / outcome for grant use
  • reason_data: SCT disposto a favore di Tom Joad (IT60X0542811101000000123456) (string, returned) - Narrative description of the reason

REST Endpoints


DropPay Account Balance API offers the following methods :

  • GET the Account Balance
GET Read an account balance

Read balance of an existent account


⬆ Request
curl --request GET
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access token>'
URL Parameters
  • iban: IT86M3606400001393351234567 - iban of account the balance must be read
Response 200
  "balance_current": 50,
  "balance_available": 50
Response 404
        "code": "100",
        "description": "account not found"


DropPay Account Transactions API offers the following methods :

  • GET the Account Transactions between two dates
GET Read an account balance

Read balance of an existente account


⬆ Request
curl --request GET
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access token>'
URL Parameters
  • iban: IT86M3606400001393351234567 - iban of account the balance must be read
  • reason:
  • amount_from: 10.00 - minimum amount value to search (max 90 days wide ranges)
  • amount_to: 100.00 - maximm amount value to search (max 90 days wide ranges)
  • date_from: 2019-04-01T19:20:30+01:00 - time range starting datetime
  • date_to: 2019-04-30T19:20:30+01:00 - time closing datetime
  • order_by_date ASC|DESC
  • pg_num: 0 - pagination, page number, starts from 0
  • pg_offset: 1 - pagination, page index
  • pg_size: 10 - pagination, number of record per page
Response 200
        "id": "RECN86KEVVP6X",
        "date_available": "2019-04-20T12:10:10+01:00",
        "date_accounted": "2019-04-20T12:10:14+01:00",
        "amount": 120.00,
        "sign": "DB",
        "reason": "PUSHSCT",
        "reason_data": "SCT disposto a favore di Tom Joad (IT60X0542811101000000123456)"
        "id": "RECVGH8100PMA",
        "date_available": "2019-04-21T08:20:10+01:00",
        "date_accounted": "2019-04-21T08:20:14+01:00",
        "amount": 500.00,
        "sign": "DB",
        "reason": "SCTIN",
        "reason_data": "SCT ricevuto da Mario (IT48F0300203280984662716759)"

        "id": "RECN86KEVVP6X",
        "date_available": "2019-04-23T14:21:10+01:00",
        "date_accounted": "2019-04-23T14:21:17+01:00",
        "amount": 120.00,
        "sign": "DB",
        "reason": "PURCHASE",
        "reason_data": "Acquisto servizi DropPay: Ricarica TIM 20 Euro"

Response 404
        "code": "100",
        "description": "account not found"